Presentation and History

The Education Postgraduate Program of the Federal University of Goiás - Jataí Regional (PPGE/UFG /REJ), created by a group of professors from different undergraduate courses, was recommended to be implemented by Capes CTC (Scientific Technical Committee) in 09-12-2012. Began its Master's Degree activities in January 2013.

After the period of its creation, the Program became the locus of debates and reflections of teachers and students in the face of setbacks and intense political, economic and ideological crisis experienced by the country over the last three years and threatening priority areas such as Education. Therefore, from the academic debate often substantiated by critically biased theories, the interest and engagement of students and teachers were stimulated in order to reflect and understand the challenges posed by reality and for Brazilian education.

The relevance of PPGE/UFG/REJ in the training of researchers for the Goiás southwestern region was due to the lack of human resources training in this region to meet the demand of graduates from different institutions of Goiás State. It's noteworthy that until 2012, there were no Graduate Programs in Education that would meet the demand of the region in the state. Of the three graduate programs in education there, two are concentrated in the capital and another in south of Goiás.

Thus, the PPGE/UFG/REJ is organized in a Concentration Area: Education, and by two Research Lines that seeks to articulate projects, subjects and the development of dissertations, as well as the bibliographic production of both teachers and students.

In fact, the teachers group, with whom the initial proposal for an academic master's degree has matured, maintains a significant and constant interaction, both with each other, with other UFG professors and other higher education institutions in Brazil and abroad. This interaction takes place in the context of several research and extension projects conducted at UFG and coordinated by these teachers, as well as research projects developed with partners outside of UFG.

The group bibliographic production has been regular and stable over the last years, having been published in several qualified journals and important regional, national and international events, recognized by the community of educators and researchers in Education, besides the production and organization of books with research results developed by the group. The research projects and, consequently, the group bibliographic production, have been based in several theoretical-methodological bases and dedicated to the great subjects of interest of the Education. In general, these researches have contemplated the educational policies and their interaction patterns with the educational conditions, the teachers formation, the educational practices, besides the interfaces between the school knowledge, the history and the teaching and learning processes. in the most diverse areas of knowledge, especially in the basic areas of undergraduate degrees. An example is the organized book work in which the group gathered some of its latest scientific contributions and reflections in the field of education. The collection entitled “Teacher Training and Educational Practices: Other Issues (197 p.)” Was produced in the context of the group's discussions and reflections and one of its results, in addition to the book, materialized in the proposed creation of the proposed Master.

An important institutional space in which the group has acted and demonstrated its commitment to the production of knowledge in the field of education and professional qualification is the Lato Sensu postgraduate degree. Specializations in the area of Education have been offered at UFG/CAJ as specific regional demands are expressed and apprehended by the group.

Let's now turn to a brief presentation of three specializations offered in recent years, the last two of which meet the ongoing activities:

i) Specialization in Early Childhood Education. Three classes were offered (1999, 2006 and 2008) and their main goal was to promote the improvement of the qualification of the kindergarten teacher, verticalizing basic knowledge in the area, focusing the discussions about the pedagogical practices, the theoretical-conceptual bases, as well as about research in early childhood education. It sought to build conditions for its graduates to deepen their studies to work in early childhood education in a critical perspective, establishing links between teaching and research in teaching, creating the possibilities of new scientific debates in this field, contributing to the educational policy action of Goiás southwest region, a region that lacks specialization courses for education professionals.

ii) Specialization in Education Policy, Management and Financing. Starting from the concrete reality lived in the contemporary school environment, the main goal of this specialization course is to offer theoretical and methodological support to teachers, coordinators and principals of various educational institutions, enabling them to critically evaluate the education systems, the current policy management and financing of education with a view to propositions and interventions in this environment, contributing to the development of democratic management projects in the various instances of the educational system, as well as the effective control of resources allocated to education. This course proposal reflects the desire to broaden the focus of research and performance of teachers of the Pedagogy Course and other courses related to the area of ​​Education with the expectation of meeting current demands of the State and Education Municipal Secretariats in the search for the improvement of management public education, as provided for in the 1988 Federal Constitution.

iii) Specialization in Applied Linguistics with Mother and Foreign Language Teaching (English) with activities since 2004, this specialization aims to provide the community with theoretical background coming from the area of ​​Applied Linguistics able to enable students to become more familiar with the new pedagogical trends and the development of a critical stance regarding theoretical approaches and their application in the classroom. It also aims to specialize teachers of Elementary and High School, graduated in Letters and related areas, for the improvement in the teaching of mother tongue and foreign (English) and also enable the initiation to the research. Thus, this specialization provides participants not only with a space for problematization and elaboration of new knowledge, but also fields of analysis for their teaching practice and scientific investigations. The proposed subjects seek to encourage the production and, especially, the socialization of work with teaching, based on linguistic theories and Applied Linguistics, providing reflections and debates about everyday classroom practices.

The group has also stood out for the creation and maintenance of two qualified journals: The Itinerarius Reflectionis (ISSN 1807 - 9342) and the Virtual Journal of Languages- RevLet (ISSN: 2176-9125).

The Itinerarius Reflectionis journal has been one of the vehicles for the dissemination of scientific production developed by the group and reflects part of its integrated production. Founded in 2005 by the Jataí Campus Pedagogy Course at the Federal University of Goiás, Itinerarius Reflectionis, which has been published every six months, maintains regularity and editorial relevance. It is currently classified as QUALIS/CAPES B4 and indexed by the following databases: The Electronic Journal Publishing System (SEER); Sumá (Brazilian Journal System); Latindex (Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal).

Itinerarius Reflectionis has the DOI (Digital Object Identifier); method developed by the Association of American Publishers (APA) to provide the administrative foundation for digital content. This journal is addressed to the entire scientific community, publishes results of theses, dissertations, monographs and articles of a theoretical and methodological nature, seeking to maintain a high level of demand and quality. It publishes articles in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

The main goal of this journal is the online dissemination of academic production, making the work of the Jataí Campus/UFG and other researchers in the field, contributing to scientific production in the field of education more and more approachable to society.

In 2009, the group created the Virtual Journal of Languages (RevLet), an electronic journal linked to the Languages courses at the Federal University of Goiás/Jataí Campus. It currently has a QUALIS/CAPES B4 assessment. This is a semiannual publication, open to collaborators from Brazil and abroad who are interested in issues related to the textual-discursive and literary field, linked to both theoretical issues in the area, as well as issues of teaching and learning language and literature. RevLet is indexed to Latindex (Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal) and to Sumá (Brazilian Journal System).