Luís César de Souza
Doctor of Education (2014), Master of Education (2006), Specialist in School Physical Education (2001) and Degree in Physical Education (1998), all from the Federal University of Goiás. In basic education, he worked at the Goiânia Municipal Department of Education (Youth and Adult Education) and the Department of Education of Goiás (Project Coordination in Educational Sport and Curriculum Restructuring of Physical Education in High School). In higher education, he was surrogate professor at FEF/UFG (2002) and guest professor at UEG Quirinópolis (2001), São Luís de Montes Belos (2006, 2007), São Miguel do Araguaia (2007) and Goianésia (2008). He's currently Adjunct Professor I at the Federal University of Goiás/Jataí Regional. He mainly discusses the following subjects: training and education; history and pedagogical practice of physical education and sports. (Text informed by the author)
Line 3 - Human Formation and Fundamentals of Education
Guidance Themes:
Training, education, history and pedagogical practice of physical education and sports.