Vivianne Oliveira Gonçalves


Graduated in Physical Education from the Federal University of Goiás (1998), Master in Physical Education from the State University of Campinas (2002) and PhD in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (2012) from the Universidad de Castilla La Mancha (UCLM-Spain), equivalent to the Doctorate in Physical Education (UNICAMP). She's currently a professor of the Physical Education courses at the Federal University of Goiás-Jataí Regional and of the Education Masters Postgraduate Program of UFG/Jataí Regional. Has experience in Physical Education emphasized on Physical Activity and Adaptation, and Gymnastics, acting on the following subjects: body image, gender, educational inclusion and vocational training. She's a researcher in the Multidisciplinary and Health Research Groups, and NESEC - Center for Studies Society, Education and Culture, both from UFG-Jataí Regional. (Text informed by the author)


Line 1 - Culture; Teaching and Learning Processes



Guidance Themes:

Studies of the body and its relations with the media, consumption, gender and education; Gender relations; Body image; Body culture of movement in school; Inclusive education.


