Suely dos Santos Silva
PhD in Education from the University of São Paulo USP (2013) - Culture, Organization and Education Line. Master in Education (2005) - Education, Work and Social Movements Line. Management Specialist (2002) Pedagogue (1998) from the Federal University of Goiás UFG. She's an adjunct professor II at the Federal University of Goiás/Jataí Campus, where she has been working since 1998. She works in higher education in the area of Sociology of Education I and II, Educational Policy and Graduation Work Orientation in the themes: Socialization and citizenship, education, work, Social Movements and Education, State and Politics, Knowledge Production, Cinema (Film), Brazilian Cinema, the latter is the subject of the thesis. It's a member of Study and Research Groups: Sociology of Education Topics GETESE - FEUSP. Coordinates the Research Project Brazilian Society: Education, Social Issues and Film and Extension and Culture Human Rights, Education, Citizenship and Inclusion. It's associated with the Brazilian Society of Film and Audiovisual Studies - SOCINE and National Association for Research in Education - ANPEd. Member of the Editorial Board: Itinerarius Reflexionis Magazine, Southwest Goian Education Congress - (CONADE) (ANAIS). (Text informed by the author)
Line 3 - Human Formation and Fundamentals of Education
Guidance Themes:
Sociology of Education, Education and Sociology Themes, Education and film.