Amauri Oliveira Silva

Graduated in Physiotherapy from the University of Rio Verde (2008) and has a degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Goiás (2004). Specialist in cardiac rehabilitation and special groups Gama Filho University (2008) and in Educational Sciences (2010). Substitute teacher and pedagogical advisor at the University of Rio Verde since 2nd/2010 in Physical Education and Physical Therapy. Substitute Professor at the Federal University of Goiás 2nd/2013. Undergraduate Courses in Physical Education Degree: Handball, Basketball, Football, Futsal, School Physical Education, Brazilian Education, Inclusive (Adapted) Physical Education, Motor Development and Learning, Physical Activity and Health Promotion, Kinesiology Applied to Physical Activity, Biomechanics, Research Project, Course Completion Work, Internship Completion Work, Supervised Internship, Course Completion Work Coordinator. In the Physiotherapy course: Aquatic and Sports Physiotherapy, Supervised Internship in Cardiology and Respiratory, Supervised Internship in Traumatology, Orthopedics and Sports and Supervised Internship in Geriatrics. From 8/2012 to 12/2013: collaborating professor of the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (PIBID) at the University of Rio Verde - UniRV. 02/2014 to 07/2014. Area Coordinator Professor at the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (PIBID) at the University of Rio Verde - UniRV. (Text informed by the author)

Research Line:

Culture; Teaching and Learning Processes


Cátia Regina Assis Almeida Leal

