Paula Eliane Costa Rocha

Graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Goiás (2008), Specialization in Early Childhood Education from UFG (2010). She was a volunteer student at CNPq (PIVIC) for one year. Acted as substitute professor at the Federal University of Goiás/Jataí Regional. She worked in higher education in the area of Humanities, Sociology and Educational Policy. She worked as a pedagogue of the multidisciplinary team of Promotion and Social Assistance of Jataí and secretary of the Tutelary Council. She's currently enrolled regularly in the Education Master's Degree Program at the Federal University of Goias. CAPES Fellow. Research the following topics: Work, teaching, education, public and private and partnerships, early childhood education, teacher professionalization, ODL (EAD) (Text informed by the author)

Research Line:

Culture; Teaching and Learning Processes


Andrea Cristina Versuti

