Cleia Simone Ferreira

Postgraduated in Higher Education Didactics from the UNIC Rondonópolis/MT (2014); Postgraduate in Municipal Public Management from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT - 2014); Postgraduated in Public Law from the Catholic University Don Bosco (UCDB? 2010); Graduated in Law from the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS? 2008); Public Servant of the Municipal Integrated Foundation for Higher Education of Minas Gerais/GO FIMES (2015/2), Member of the Center for Study, Research and Multidisciplinary Extension _ NEPEM and the Center for Study and Research in Legal Sciences _ NEPJUR and Lawyer OAB N. 14.055-B. (Text informed by the author)

Research Line:

Educational Policies, Management and Teacher Training


Ari Raimann

