Elisângela Leles Lamonier

She's a masters student in Education from the Federal University of Goiás - Jataí Unit. Graduated in Letters - Portuguese/English from the Faculty of Education, Sciences and Languagens of Iporá. Specialization in Socioeconomic Training of Brazil, Brazilian Literature, Portuguese Language by UNIVERSO and Deaf Education/LIBRAS by Fai - Faculty of Iporá. She has worked in education since 1999, acting as coordinator of distance education courses, elementary school teacher, Libras interpreter, pedagogical coordinator. Currently, she teaches Portuguese Language, Brazilian Sign Language - LIBRAS and Fundamentals of Special Education in the technical courses of high level and higher education. She's coordinator of the Support Center for People with Specific Needs - NAPNE, at the Federal Goian Institute - Iporá Campus. (Text informed by the author)

Research Line:

Educational Policies, Management and Teacher Training


Rosely Ribeiro Lima

