Lilian Jaqueline de O. Souza Ribeiro
She has a Full Degree in PHILOSOPHY and Full Degree in PEDAGOGY. She specialized from the UNIVERSITY DOCENCY by PUC-GO, specialist in INSTITUTIONAL AND CLINICAL PSYCHOPEDAGOGY from the FABEC, specialist in CHILD EDUCATION from the UFG and MASTER IN EDUCATION from UFG Campus Jataí. Member of the Research Group Teacher Training and Educational Practices - NuFOPE, Federal University of Goiás. She has been working professionally as a teacher for 19 years. She has been a conducting teacher at the Goiânia Municipal School Education since 2008. She has professional experience as a teacher in early childhood education, elementary school, high school and college. Currently holds the position of Pedagogical Coordinator of the Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education of Goiânia - CMEI José Alves Batista. At the Noroeste College she works as a teacher of the Pedagogy course in the following subjects: Educational Policies, Pedagogical Projects, Supervised Internship I and II. She also teaches the lato sensu postgraduate courses in Institutional and Clinical Psychopedagogy, Early Childhood Education and Human Resources. (Text informed by the author)
Research Line:
Educational Policies, Management and Teacher Training
Elizabeth Gottschalg Raimann