Valéria Grecov Garcia

Graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Goiás (2001) and specialization in Early Childhood Education from the Federal University of Goiás (2006). She's currently the pedagogical coordinator of Elementary School II at the Samuel Graham Presbyterian Institute ("public" area), by the State Department of Education and the pedagogical coordinator of Elementary School I and Early Childhood Education at the Samuel Graham Presbyterian Institute (private area), acting on the following theme: Management and continuing teacher education. She has experience in higher education, as a substitute teacher, at the Jataí Educational Foundation in partnership with the Federal University of Goiás. She has a specialization course in Pedagogical Coordination, at the Federal University of Goiás, in the distance learning modality. (Text informed by the author)

Research Line:

Educational Policies, Management and Teacher Training


Rosely Ribeiro Lima

