Fabiana Darc Miranda

Masters student in Education from the Federal University of Góias - UFG, Jataí Regional, emphasized on psychosocial processes. Psychologist, graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2011). Emphasized on Organizational, Educational and Health Psychology. Specialist in Human Resource Management from Instituto Alfa (2014) and Specialist in Chemical Dependency from Instituto Faveni (2014). Expert Traffic Psychologist by the Federal Council of Psychology, working in the area of ​​traffic in Goiás. She's currently a municipal civil servant, acting as a School Psychologist in Montividiu-GO municipality. She has experience in Psychology, focusing on Cognitive Psychology and Mental Health. Worked in Family Health Strategies - ESF; as Psychologist and Municipal Technical Reference for Mental Health, Responsible for the Alliance for Life Program of the Ministry of Health and Co-founder of COMAD, Municipal Council on Drugs; at Psychosocial Care Centers - CAPS I and Health Posts. She taught at a State Institution. Worked as Human Resources Manager and Analyst in small and medium sized companies. (Text informed by the author)

Research Line:

Culture; Teaching and Learning Processes


Eveline Borges Vilela Ribeiro

