Romulo Renato Cruz Santana

He's a masters student in Education from the Federal University of Goiás - Jataí Regional. Graduated in law from the Faculty of Technology and Sciences of Salvador (2006). Specialist in Classroom Management in Higher Education, University Center of Mineiros- UNIFIMES. Specialist in Tax Law from Anhanguera University - UNIDERP - LFG Network. Militant in the area of ​​Environmental Law, Tax Law, Civil Law, Consumer, Tax, Criminal within the scope of Law No. 9099/95, since 2005. He is currently Coordinator of the Law Course of the University Center of Miners - UNIFIMES. Acted as intermediate entrant conciliator - TJ/GO - FORO DA COMARCA DE MINEIROS, 2010/2013. Has experience in Civil, Consumer, Tax and Criminal Law under Law 9099/95. Lecturer in higher education in the subjects, Business Law and Environmental Law, University Center of Mineiros. Coordinator of the Law Course at the University Center of Mineiros - GO UNIFIMES, since January 10, 2014. (Text informed by the author)

Research Line:

Educational Policies, Management and Teacher Training


Vanderlei Balbino da Costa

