ADVISOR: Prof. Dr. Maria de Lourdes Faria dos Santos Paniago.

DEFENSE DATE: 08/20/2018



The Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) is a normative document that defines the organic and progressive set of essential learning for students of all Basic Education in Brazil. The BNCC normative document has a direct impact on government policies aimed at early childhood education and the subject has been producing controversies in different ways. One of the purposes of this research was to consider the BNCC from an analysis of pedagogical practices on childhood and to think of the BNCC as an interpretive magnifying glass for exploring the political objects of child social administration. The reason for the BNCC's pedagogical policy was questioned from a twofold movement: the BNCC as a life-implementing policy (in particular for early childhood students) and as a practice of population regulation. The formulations of philosopher and historian Michel Foucault served as support for this purpose. The research methodology was based on qualitative studies, with bibliographic and documentary data collection, research on books, journal articles, dissertations and theses, web research, collecting data through texts and materials that have already been published in the literature, using as theoretical-methodological approach, particularly, theoretical constructs proposed by Foucault. Understanding the place of childhood in Brazil was not always the same, this study focused on the paths of meanings instilled in the field of national schooling, contextualizing its history involving the mishaps of the formation and transformation of the childhood object as a discourse produced in Brazil. The Brazilian State, especially in the early Brazil Republic, driven to guarantee and promote rights, duties and status for the child in society, invested its power in child governance based on scientific devices. This political strategy not only legitimized a new way of doing pedagogy in the country, but also condensed constituent practices of knowledge that until then had no space to transit in the Brazilian school environment. Examining the pedagogical proposal of the BNCC, with its technical and political apparatuses, it was evident that the form of action and power over children is so broad, variable and inventive that the networks and plots of this exercise of governance seek to produce modes of subjection each time sooner, from the early years to old age. The BNCC as a document that organizes the Brazilian educational field is also an effective normative policy that seeks to universalize the functioning of the population, ensuring that all students in the country's public and private schools gain an identity concatenated with the interests of a controlling society, whether say, coupled by the network of disciplined power. The schooling model that the BNCC imposes, based on control and disciplinary techniques, functions as an apparatus of knowledge that aims and subjects the child, governing it according to refined rules of normalizing sanctions.

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