

The Education Master's Degree Program UFG/REJ has as its main objective the formation, improvement and qualification of graduates graduated from undergraduate courses and professionals from the Education area interested in contributing to the production of scientific knowledge in the Education area, training qualified professionals to act as researchers, teachers, managers and technicians at different levels and sectors of the Brazilian School System, producing knowledge about Education, both in regional contexts and in broader contexts, at the master level.

Specifically, the objectives of this Master program will be aimed at:

1 - Allow students at the masters level to develop research and teaching, demonstrating the development and conceptual mastery essential to education, qualifying them for teaching in higher education and for research in education;

2 - Promote the necessary conditions for the development of researches that contribute to a permanent scientific and didactic improvement in the Education field;

3 - Contribute to the production and systematization of knowledge in the area of Education, addressing relevant and scientifically established problems on national and regional issues relevant to educational processes;

4 - Reduce the loss of the potential of scientific production in the area of Education, favoring the concentration of human resources with interest in Education Research in the Regional Jataí - UFG, aiming at scientific contributions to the regional educational context, still little explored in available research;

5 - Integrate, at the postgraduate level, the existing degrees in the Jataí Regional, highlighting their social relevance and promoting their academic appreciation with the community, consolidating a formal space for reflection and production of educational knowledge.

These objectives will be pursued through a curriculum structure built in resonance with studies already established in the Educational field, based on the specialized literature of the area of ​​Education, the classic studies of this area and the research of teachers.

The subjects and activities of orientation and studies will be focused on the knowledge production about the educational system, mainly thought under the following aspects: the socializing function of educational processes, apprehended from the legal bases of the states and the country, their changes and agents involved. ; the relationship between education and human development, in both regional and wider contexts; the educational policies of the states and the country; resource management (human and material) in education; the formation of teachers who work in different levels of education and the conditions of their performance; the relationship of these teachers with other educational agents or in their context; the construction of teaching knowledge and the teaching and learning processes.