Ana Carolina Giannini Silva


REFERENCE: SILVA, Ana Carolina Giannini. TRABALHO DOCENTE NA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL: CONCEPÇÕES E PRÁTICAS. 2017. 1-147 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017.


AUTHOR: Ana Carolina Giannini Silva
ADVISOR: Prof. Dr. Laís Leni Oliveira Lima
COURSE: Education Masters Degree
RESEARCH LINE: Educational Policies, Management and Teacher Training.
DEFENSE DATE: 02/23/2017



This research aims to understand the early childhood world of work and on which the early childhood works work is based, based on the assumption that human relationships are permeated by contradictions, alienated and fetishized society of capital, influencing the teaching work in this stage of education. The research starts from the conceptualization of work in Marx and an analysis of how work is decharacterized under the influences of capital, seeking to understand the relationship between education and work as a possibility of breaking with the ills of capital and restoring, through school, the concept of work as an ontological constitution of the human being, highlighting the role of the teaching worker, in particular what happens in early childhood education, revealing the fetishes that characterize him and prevent him from fulfilling his role. The research method is Dialectical Historical Materialism. Such approach is justified due the cognitive process that will serve for the construction of the new knowledge will privilege the relationship between the subject and the object, being the object of study the teaching work in the kindergarten. The research has an empirical character, because it used the semi-structured interview, questionnaires and also observation of different moments of the practice of teachers, coordinators and principals. These empirical data were analyzed in order to understand the contradictions and thus analyze the teaching work in kindergarten, understanding the different conceptions that permeate the work in this stage of education, such as: childhood, child, teaching, teacher, student, and how workers' actions materialize. The research revealed that teaching work in early childhood education is under strong influence of neoliberal ideals and there's a pedagogical current that defends an anti-school pedagogy for early childhood education, which has negatively reflected in teaching work, causing a (dis) professionalization of this worker, since work as manifested in the capitalist society in which we live makes work synonymous with employment and subsumes this individual the exploitative ills of capital reducing it to a relationship with and in the labor market, as torture, suffering and exploitation. Thus, we realize the need for the early childhood teacher worker to have a formation that provides awareness of their existence, breaking with the alienation and fetish produced by the society of capital. It also rescues the role of the school as a privileged locus for the onilateral formation of men, especially the Early Childhood Education, having as reference the Historical-Critical Pedagogy that rescues the figure of the teacher as a protagonist in the teaching-learning process.