Michele Silva Sacardo


Graduated in Physical Education from the Federal University of Uberlândia (2003), Master in Special Education/PPGEEs from the Federal University of São Carlos (2006) and PhD in Education (PPGE) in the research line History, Philosophy and Sociology of Education from the Federal University of São Carlos (2012). She's currently a teacher in the Physical Education courses and Coordinator of the Education Postgraduate Program at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG/Jataí Regional) and research fellow at the State University of Campinas. She has teaching and research experience in the ​​Education and Physical Education area, and works with themes supported by historical and philosophical foundations, related to: theories of knowledge and the significant analyzes of scientific production in different contexts and areas of knowledge; public policies, Stricto-Sensu Postgraduate policies; teacher training; the pedagogical theories of education and physical education. Coordinates the research group Society, Culture and Human Formation (PPGE/UFG/Regional Jataí); participates in the research groups Analysis of the Knowledge Production in Education (PPGE/UFSCar), EPISTEF Northeas/Paideia/Unicamp and NESEC (UFG/Jataí Regional). (Text informed by the author)


Line 3 - Human Formation and Fundamentals of Education



Guidance Themes:

Theories of Knowledge and the critical balance of Scientific Production from the historical and philosophical (epistemological and ontological) foundations of Education; Studies on the dialectical relations between Society, Human Formation, Ontology and Pedagogical Theories, especially Historical-Critical Pedagogy.



