Rosely Ribeiro Lima


Graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Goiás (2003), Master in Education from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (2006) and PhD in Education from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (2013). She's currently Associate Professor with exclusive dedication of the Federal University of Goiás, Campus Jataí, next to the Pedagogy Course in the area of ​​Educational Psychology and is also Sub-Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE), mentors at PPGE and the scientific initiation program UFG/CNPq. Among other performances, she had professional experience as an effective teacher in the initial grades of the elementary school of the State Department of Education of Goiás (2007), as a hired teacher of the Food Technology course at the State University of Goiás, Jataí Unit (2007) and as Technician in Educational Affairs of the Federal University of Goiás, Jataí Campus(2009). Among other productions, she published 02 books with the Research Group on Education and Psychology at the Federal University of Mato Grosso and 02 book chapters with the Study Group and Research Training of Teachers and Educational Practices at the Federal University of Goiás, Jataí Campus. She works on the following subjects: Education, social representations, scientific methodology, teaching-learning processes, educational practices, teacher training, reading and writing in the early years of elementary school. (Text informed by the author)


Line 2 - Educational Policies, Management and Teacher Training



Guidance Themes:

Social Representations; Teaching-learning Processes; Educational Practices; Teacher Training; Reading and Writing in the Early Years of Elementary School.


